The Health Connection: May 2019

What is Mental Health? Mental health is our emotional, psychological and social well-being.  How we deal with stress, interact with others and our ability to make healthy choices is affected by our mental health.  What is physical health?  Physical health is the state of being free from illness or injury.  Much of what we do…

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Boys Self-Regulation Group: October – December 2018

Attention and Self-Regulation Group, Ptarmigan Connections, Wasilla, Alaska

Join our next Teen Boys Group! This helpful group will teach middle school boys skills to help boost attention and executive functioning. Teens will learn new skills, engage in team-building fun, and bring home ideas for carryover. A pre-screening interview is necessary to join the group. Most private insurances and Denali Kid Care (Medicaid) will…

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Girls Expressive Arts Group

Jan-Mar, Thursdays from 4pm-5:30pm This 9-week therapy group will teach middle school girls skills to help boost resilience and self-regulation. A pre-screening interview is necessary to join the group. Most private insurances will cover the cost (payment plans available). Call to schedule! Download Girls Group Flyer   Learn to: Express Feelings, Improve Mood, Resolve Conflict, Resist…

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