
Pediatric Developmental and Behavioral Services, Wasilla, Alaska

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I am a provider.

Alaska's Center for Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics, Ptarmigan Connections, Wasilla, Palmer, Eagle River, Alaska

I am a parent.

Developmental and Behavioral Services, Mat-Su Valley, Alaska

Referral Information for Providers:

Referral information for providers:
Please include a patient demographic page (with insurance information), corresponding visit note(s), along with the required referral form below. Fax or email all relevant referral information to: 907-357-4533 or

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*A neuropsychological evaluation is rarely considered medically necessary for uncomplicated cases of attention deficit disorder with/without hyperactivity (ADHD). A neuropsychological evaluation may be considered medically necessary for neurologically complicated cases of ADHD, (e.g., post head trauma, seizures).