October 10th is Depression Screening Day

Depression Screening Day
The Thursday of the first full week of October, is National Depression Screening Day (NDSD). The goal of this day is to increase awareness and provide screening for depression, anxiety and other mood disorders (Mentalhealthscreening.org, 2018).
Various organizations such as hospitals, government organizations, secondary schools, colleges, community centers, military installations, and older adult facilities offer screenings either in person, or online, in their respective community. Once the screening is completed, participants receive information about referrals to community partners that can help with further evaluation and options for treatment (Mentalhealthscreening.org, 2018).
Depression can negatively impact things such as sleep, appetite, motivation and energy. It is important to consider self-care and compassion for others. National Depression Screening Day is an opportunity to start conversations and reach out to those who may be struggling with depression. Providing this screening will give those who might be at risk for depression, the opportunity to get connected with resources that they may not know were available in the community.
For more information about National Depression Screening Day please check out the link below.
Richard Crisostomo PMHNP-BC
Mentalhealthscreening.org. (2018). Fact Sheet: National Depression Screening Day October 11th, 2018. Retrieved from: https://mentalhealthscreening.org/media/fact-sheet-national-depression-screening-day